SEO Audits & Website Health Checks

Technical SEO

Maintain a healthy website to maximise SEO benefits

Rather like maintaining your own health, keeping a clean, high quality, technically sound website will significantly contribute to better search visibility and ensure you are ranking for those all important positions for years to come. Starting with technical SEO may seem challenging but without laying solid foundations, your website’s SEO may never reach its full potential.

If you’ve been struggling to obtain first page rankings for your keywords, or you’ve been noticing major keyword decreases over a sustained period of time, chances are that your website is having technical SEO difficulties.

Luckily, there are solutions to help your cause and I can offer professional consultancy and services to get your website’s SEO back on track. Take a look at the core technical services I offer below:

Technical SEO Audits

A complete technical audit of your website looking for technical SEO issues that may be affecting performance and overall search visibility. A good place to start if you are unsure of what might be causing visibility problems.

Meta Data Audits

From title tags to descriptions, making your organic SERP listings fully optimised to guarantee better CTR. I'll make sure each page has unique, optimised meta data to help you increase traffic to your website.

Why is technical SEO important?

Creating a solid, well structured and optimised foundation for your website is crucial in helping outscore and outrank your competitors.

Technical can often be overlooked in favour of elements like design and functionality but without maintaining your website’s health, there is a high chance your overall search presence won’t make it off the ground (or into the top 100 positions). 

If you’re struggling to get your site to appear prominently on search engines like Google it might be that you have indexing issues present. Why not get in touch by clicking the button below and start your SEO journey today.

I Can Help With:
  • Website structures
  • Meta data auditing
  • Performance checks
  • Mobile audits
  • Indexing issues
  • Robots.txt implementation
  • Sitemaps
  • Broken links
  • Structured data
Need Technical SEO Help?